Bye Laws

RWBSWC Byelaws 2024


1.1.       Club Members shall observe Local Authority bye-laws and shall have due respect for all Local Authority officers/officials in the execution of their duties. Members who own powered watercraft shall ensure that they are registered with the Local Authority under their watercraft registration scheme.

1.2.       Club Slipway: Only vehicles used in the launching and recovering of Club patrol water craft may be driven on the club slipway. The Club owned launching vehicle may only bedriven by a Club member holding a full driving licence and having passed the Club approved driver training.

1.3.       Member’s water craft may be washed using the Club’s fresh water supply, only in the designated area immediately in front of the Bosun’s Locker. No engines may be washed out on Club premises, other than Club patrol watercraft engines.

1.4.       Members must ensure that any watercraft owned or used by them is covered for third party liability for a minimum of £3,000,000.

1.5.       Water craft shall be launched and recovered in a responsible manner with due regard for the safety of beach and Club watercraft park users.

1.6.       Except for official Club functions or for private functions authorised pursuant to Bye-Law 1.7. below, the Clubhouse is to be closed every evening at 10pm. If you are the last person in the Clubhouse, please ensure that all lights are switched off and the doors locked as you leave.

1.7.       The Club house may be booked out by a member for a private function for which not less than one week’s prior written permission must have been given by the Club Secretary, Commodore or Social Secretary of the Club. A hire charge will be made for this facility which will be reviewed annually by the General Committee. No private function shall continue beyond midnight, in consideration of the Club’s neighbours.

2.   DOGS

2.1.   Members should note that dogs, apart from assistance dogs, are not allowed in the Clubhouse.

2.2.   Any dog on the balcony must be on a lead and under the close control of its owner.

2.3.   No dog is to be left tied up on or at the top or bottom of the steps either side of the balcony.


3.1.       Water craft berths will be allocated at the discretion of the Waterside Committee. Applications from preceding year berth holders received by 31st March of the following year shall be given preference subject to bye-law 3.3.

3.2.       Only water craft which have been allocated a berth may be stored in the Club watercraft park. All such watercraft may be required to display a visible current year berthing sticker. Watercraft not displaying such sticker may be removed from the Club water craft park at the owner’s risk.

3.3.       No water craft berth may be transferred to a third party.

3.4.       A catamaran must be berthed in such a way that a monohull or small dinghy can be parked between its bows.

3.5.       All water craft and their launching trolleys shall be stored within their allocated berth at the owner’s risk. No road trailers should be stored overnight in the Club watercraft park.

3.6.       In the case of an abandoned or unauthorised watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment (as defined below) the Committee may:-

3.6.1.   move the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment to any part of the Club premises without being liable for any loss or damage to the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment howsoever caused;

3.6.2.   upon giving 1 month’s notice require the member or former member to collect the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment;

3.6.3.   upon giving three months’ notice in writing by registered post to the member or former member at his/her last known address shown in the register of members sell the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment and deduct any monies due to the Club(whether arrears of subscription or facility fees or dinghy park fees or otherwise);

 3.6.4.   if the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment is unsaleable (in the reasonable opinion of the General Committee), after giving notice in writing as aforesaid, dispose of the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment in any manner the General Committee may think fit and deem the cost of doing and any arrears as aforesaid to be a debt owing to the Club by the member or former member.

3.7.       The Club reserves the right to charge storage for the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment until such time as the owner collects the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment or until notice has been served under sub-clause (ii) and (iii) above PROVIDED THAT in each case that proper evidence is available to show that all reasonable steps have been taken by the General Committee to trace a member or former member and that when and if the watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment is sold the proceeds of sale (where these exceed the amount of any indebtedness by the member or former member to the Club) shall be placed in a bank deposit account and retained against the eventuality of a claim by the owner (whether he be the said member or former member) for a period of six years.

3.8.       The General Committee shall be entitled to treat any of the following as an abandoned or unauthorised watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment:

3.8.1.   A watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment located in the Club watercraft park and not displaying a current Club watercraft park sticker;

 3.8.2.   A watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment located otherwise than in its properly allocated space;

 3.8.3.   A watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment that remains in the Club watercraft park for more than one month after any date advised by the Committee by which watercraft and/or trailers and associated equipment must be removed;

3.8.4.   A watercraft and/or trailer and associated equipment which is the property of a member or former member which remains on Club premises after any fees payable to the Club by any member or former member (whether by way of arrears of subscription or facilities fees, watercraft park fees or otherwise) are more than three months in arrears. 

3.9.       In addition to the powers set out above to move, sell or dispose of a watercraft and/or a trailer and associated equipment, the Club shall have a lien over a member’s or a former member’s watercraft and/or trailer and/or associated equipment parked or left on the Club's premises in respect of all monies due to the Club, whether in respect of arrears of facilities fees or subscriptions or otherwise and shall be entitled to retain possession of the watercraft and/or trailer and/or associated equipment until such time as all monies due to the Club have been paid in full.

3.10.    Between Good Friday and November 7th each year, motor vehicles may only enter the Club watercraft park for the purposes of loading and unloading. As soon as the loading and or unloading are finished, the motor vehicle must be removed from the Club watercraft park.

3.11.    For powered watercraft, except for Club patrol watercraft, only those watercraft that can be safely launched and recovered by no more than four people using the Club slipway, and for which a facility fee has been paid, shall be allowed in or through the Club watercraft park.

3.12.    Except with the prior written approval of the General Committee on such terms as it may impose, and as shall be confirmed in writing by the Honorary Secretary to the relevant member(s), the Club watercraft park is available for storage of watercraft only between March 1st and November 7th of any year. 



4.1.       Any member awarded a Club trophy shall return the trophy to the Sailing Secretary by the 20th August the year following the year for which the trophy was awarded. On return the trophy must be cleaned and polished and professionally engraved at the member’s own expense.

4.2.       Neither smoking nor the use of e-cigarettes is permitted within the Clubhouse or on the Clubhouse Veranda.

4.3.       Any personal property left in the Clubhouse, the bosun's locker and anywhere else on the club premises, which has not been claimed within 28 days may be disposed of by the Club without any liability on the Club or its' Officers or members.

4.4.       Any breakage of or damage to Club Property shall be reported to the Honorary Secretary as soon as practicable.

4.5.       The Club is not responsible for Member's personal property whether left in the changing rooms or elsewhere on Club premises.

4.6.       Any Member bringing a visitor(s) into the Clubhouse must enter the details required in the Visitor's Book and is responsible for their good behaviour and conduct. A Member must at all times accompany his or her visitor(s).

4.7.       Kill Cords. The drivers of all Club owned powered craft, and of all powered craft on Club duty, shall wear a kill cord connected to the engine controls at all times.

4.8.       Club owned powered craft shall only be driven by Club members of minimum age 18 years, or by Juniors of minimum age of 16 and holding a RYA Power Boat 2 qualification. Use is restricted to providing safety cover; sailing coaching and instruction; race and event management; power craft instruction (by holders of Power Boat 2 qualification). 

4.9.       Club owned VHF radios shall only be used by Club members. Use is restricted to providing safety cover; sailing coaching and instruction; race and event management.

Correct as at …………………………John Thorpe : Honorary Secretary